Costcos Switching From Rosemary To Sourdough 3-pack!
As of October 21st, all Pacific Northwest region Costco locations will switch from selling our 2-pack Bake-At-Home Rosemary Bread to a 3-pack of Bake-At-Home Sourdough Bread.
Now is your chance to stock up on Rosemary Bake-At-Home at your local Northwest Costco location while supplies last..
PCC Natural Market will continue to sell both our Bake-At-Home Rosemary and Bake-At-Home Sourdough in single loafs as usual.
I purchased your sourdough bread at Costco on 06/08/2021 I have tried toasting, the bread gets so hard it’s impossible the bite into; I tried different size slices of bread with the same result. I tried baking and when eating the bread, it is not chewable, it just smashes between the teeth. Can you help me with this I love sourdough bread? Thank you, Victor
Hi Victor,
Are you preheating your oven to 425 first, then bake the whole loaf for 10-12 minutes? You can also try brushing with olive oil and sprinkling with sea salt as well. It sounds like you aren’t baking it long enough and the oven isn’t hot enough.
Hi Victor, did you try following the baking instructions before eating the bread? It’s partially baked and it will fluff back up once you bake it. You can try slicing and toasting it but you’ll have to toast it on a few cycles.