Introducing Gluten Free Hamburger and Hot Dog Buns!
You asked and we listened. Introducing Gluten-Free Hot Dog and Hamburger Buns!
Let your culinary creativity flow and use them with sausages, barbequed portabella mushrooms or your favorite pulled pork recipe. The possibilities are endless!
Available in Washington at The Essential Baking Company Cafes, PCC, Metropolitan Markets, Town and Country, and selective Red Apples and Thriftways.
Available in Oregon at Market of Choice, Delphina’s Bakery Café, and Food Front Co-Op (Thurman).
Hello – Can you tell me if your GF breads are available anywhere in North Carolina for me or in Minnesota for my Mother? If not, do you ship to other parts of the USA?
Thank you for any information you can share.
Hi Pamela,
We aren’t currently available in your area but we are in the process of working on making them available on our website to order. Stay tuned.